Tell us your business name: Laughing Soul
How did you get started on your holistic journey?
My holistic journey began in 1999 when I had some health issues that simply didn’t make sense. I knew intuitively that I didn’t have the medical diagnosis that doctors provided, but I didn’t know what was wrong. I started receiving regular reiki treatments, thinking the whole thing sounded incredibly “woo-woo”. Those sessions changed the whole trajectory of my life and introduced me to the amazing world of energy
What inspired you to start your business?
I began my business as a traditional life coach and image consultant after leaving social work. At the time, I was uncomfortable telling people I was psychic. I discovered that the more I shared my psychic gifts, however, the more people wanted psychic services. I ultimately quit image consulting, and I switched to a totally energy-based list of services. I still offer life coaching.
What impact do you want to have on the community and people you work with?
I focus on empowering them to be happier and healthier so that they can live a full, enjoyable life. We didn’t come to this planet to be miserable all the time. I believe when we feel good physically and emotionally, then it’s easier to spread joy and light to others with whom we come into contact.
What core values are at the foundation of your work in the world?
- Empower animals and humans
- Offer all services in an honest, ethical manner
- Serve all regardless of sexual or gender orientation, religion, ethnicity, or age
- Operate only within my realm of knowledge/expertise
Please share some of your favorite holistic tips:
Getting your feet onto the ground (preferably laying your whole body onto the ground) all year long will help you feel more energetic and clear-minded.
Meditating even 5 minutes a day can help you begin to better connect with your own intuitive/psychic abilities.
Burning sage, or using an energy clearing product of some kind, at least once a week around yourself and your whole living space will greatly benefit your animals. It dissipates stale, stress-laden energy that also bogs down our furry loved ones.
Fun fact:
I offer animal communication parties as well as psychic parties!
Anything else to share?
I have a master’s degree in social work and am a former counselor. I strive to deliver my services in a practical manner, providing useful information so the recipient can more easily create positive change. I also volunteered at St. Vincent Hospice for 4 years and am super comfortable connecting grieving clients to their deceased loved ones.